Pro-Change Behavior Systems, Inc.
Pro-Change Behavior Systems, Inc.
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Industry: Healthcare

Founded: 1997

Pro-Change is an internationally recognized behavior change company that partners with wellness companies and institutions to produce award-winning programs that are designed to reduce multiple health risk behaviors and to enhance multiple domains of well-being while lowering health care costs and increasing productivity. As leaders in the development of behavior change programs, we build the most advanced science of behavior change into our programs.

Pro-Change’s award-winning, mobile-optimized programs are designed for entire populations and are uniquely tailored to each individual, resulting in high participation and high impact rates.

At the heart of each Pro-Change system are detailed research databases. These databases guide our work and let us track which strategies have worked best in specific populations so we can tailor our programs to be effective. More than anything else, this body of field-tested data sets us apart from other companies. The quality of evidence that goes into Pro-Change programs is unparalleled.